Kids Lessons and Summer Camp are run by Coach Seth. Contact Coach Seth for information.


Men’s League Captain, Sean
Practice Skill Building

If you are interested in starting a league and being a captain, contact Marla Helms for court availability before you establish a team. You can email Marla at: — and Marla will give you more info. To play on a league representing the Valley Center Tennis Club you must be a member of the club.  Our Google calendar shows all the scheduled activities.  On the MENU above CLICK the word, CALENDAR to view it.  Captains and new players contact Marla Helms to obtain court availability and league information.

This is a nice link found on Leah’s League, (starts in the fall) for club telephone numbers and locations: Leah’s league.

2024 League Information. There are several league organizations in San Diego. The USTA, Leah’s League, the Competitors League, North County Doubles Tennis League, and the North Coast Invitational League. All of these leagues have different requirements and formats. Valley Center tennis participates in all of them depending on the season and the league offering. Here are the links to these leagues: Leah’s League, the Competitors, North County Doubles, the North Coast Invitational, and for USTA leagues see Tennis Link. Go to the specific named league page to get all the details, including captain and team rules, payments, start and end dates, player information and schedules. Visit the San Diego District Tennis Association for local So Cal league; rules and event information.

League play at Adams Park is scheduled and ongoing. Winter league play starts in January and ends in late March. Spring leagues begin in March, and end, June. Summer leagues begin in June and end in August/September. Fall leagues begin early September and end in November. To stay informed check with the USTA for league information. Here is a LINK.  If you need club contacts for league, email our league coordinator at:  Marla will send you captain contacts.  Note, to play league in Valley Center you must join the tennis club. Captains are responsible in making sure team players understand and follow the club rules for league play.

For more USTA Southern California league information refer to the San Diego District Tennis Association.  Our area league coordinator is Randie Lettington. Click this LINK to visit their website.

VC High School’s Coach Seth Leichtfuss manages and runs the junior leagues. Generally, the teams, the Coyotes, play on Sundays. There is a 10 and under, 11 and under and a 14 / 18 and under team. Coach Seth offers individual and group lessons at Adams Park. Contact Seth for more information. Email Seth at:

