Valley Center Tennis Club Newsletter 1982

Following is one of the first newsletters published by the newly appointed Chairman, Pauline Gross.  You have to love the sense of community, cooperation, and enthusiasm the members had while working together to build the Valley Center Tennis Club!

They said it couldn’t be done — and here we are just four months from the starting gun and we have 100 paid members. Welcome one and all and many thanks for your support and understanding as we muddled through trying to get organized.Tennis Club Jacobelli Gross Pincock

You’ve all been wonderful, but I have to make a point of giving my particular thanks to Caroline Richmond for taking on responsibilities and doing a super job when she saw me going under.  Also, to Joan Weller for her typing skills; to Bob Tate and Art Weller, two committee members; and Mike Taylor, guardian of our Bank Account. And to my husband Wally who endured hours of endless busy telephoning; who went to the courts an hour early to mop and brush after the rains, then fill in on ladies play days on a moments notice. The hours that he spend knocking down weeds and washing courts were matched only by the hours he spent distracting Clark and Sharon Jackson who whacked away with their shovels and rakes.  Actually, he spent most of the time pulling stickers out of his socks!
Now to our progress report — Looks like our new building is insight. Grading has actually begun! Valley Center Recreation, Inc., (driving force behind the development of Adams Park) reports that the building is the highest priority for ’82 and that they will be using funds furnished by the CSD. Since this project is on a shoestring budget, many people have donated their time and services to draw up plans, grade the site and promise their crafts during the construction phase.
We have purchased 4 super benches thanks to the handiwork of Rich Simis. Screens, which really dress up the court and make us look like a Country Club, as well as being practical, have been installed by Ray Love and his trusty helper Art. Thank you Ray!
Now to our annual Singles and Mixed Doubles Tournament — which could have been a fiasco, turned out to be a great success.  Under trying circumstances you all came through in style.  So many of you were willing to accommodate others and went out of your way to make it work.  For the lovely ladies who made signs and refreshments, to all the contestants, win or lose — YOU WERE THE GREATEST!
My personal goal for our club is to see a line of people a mile long waiting to get in — not because it’s pretty or inexpensive, but because we’re known as a close knit group who have great competition, good camaraderie, a super atmosphere and above all — FUN! Having met all of you personally, I know we can do it.  Once again, WELCOME! [ig_divider_sh div_type=”short” margin_top_value=”” margin_bottom_value=”” class=””]


3 thoughts on “Club History

  1. To all Valley Center Club Members, I was ,the first Tennis Instructor, Ray Love was my mentor and beloved friend. My nameValley is Art Christophiades. It was a blessing to teach at one of the most beautiful places on Earth- Valley Center. The great group of leaders, the Valley Center Tennis Club members. It was a memorable experience in 1982. A memory I will cherish the rest of my life. May the Valley Center Tennis Club live on forever.

  2. Hi! I am wondering if this Ray Love was my grandpa. Can you tell me more about him so I can make this connection? Thanks so much!

  3. Kristen,
    In response to Ray Love being your grandpa…..question is, who was your parent, the one that might be the child of Ray Love.
    I know his daughter was named Beth. Does that ring a bell?
    Barbara Rohrer

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